Home » Ohio black triangle UFO

Ohio black triangle UFO

I know I usually post news articles like this and occasionally (i.e., most of the time) goof on them a bit, but not this time. There are a few reasons for this. Point the first, the witnesses actually got a somewhat clear daytime photo of the object in question, instead of the usual blurry, nighttime “fuzzy light” that could be almost anything. Point the second, this object, at least physically, looks very similar to something I saw back in October of 2002. I will probably blog about my full experience at a later date, but long story short, I had a daytime sighting of a black triangular object over Brooklyn, N.Y. that lasted for about 40 minutes. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a camera on me or my phone (I think I still had a StarTac at the time…ugh I feel old). But I observed it for about 40 minutes, and it didn’t move the entire time. But the object in the picture accompanying this story looks pretty close to what I saw that day.

ufo, ufos, black, triangle, triangle ufo, black ufo, black triangle ufo, the occult sectionAn Ohio parent driving kids home from a school function spotted a black triangle-shaped object in the sky on May 28, 2010, and gave chase, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

They followed the object to a nearby factory where they report the object moved around a chimney that was 4 to 5 stories high.

As the object moved away from this area, they continued to pursue it.

“We followed it down a street of industrial factories, and I pulled into a lot with a clear view of where this thing was ‘hovering’ I got out the car and snapped a few more pics and tried to take video of it,” the reporting witness stated.

Several nearby workers also observed the craft while the family members watched it.

The object then hovered over a shopping plaza before moving away.

The object I saw didn’t move, at all. I was able to tell because it appeared, at least in my field of view, next to an apartment building (though in actuality is was further off in the distance), and I could always see where it was relative to markings and windows on that building. A plane, helicopter or balloon would not stay in the same spot for 40 minutes. The thing I saw didn’t move for the duration of those 40 minutes, and then was gone in the blink of an eye. Again, I’ll do a separate blog entry about my experience in the near future.